Hi, my name is Amber and I stumbled upon your tumblr from the Emma Watson photo. Anywho, I firstly wanted to say that I love your blog. I set up my tumblr account a year ago but really haven't been able to master it. Hopefully soon, do you have any tips? Secondly, I know you are basically documenting your journey, what type of camera do you use? I attend the University of Illinois. I would love for my photos to come out in a similar quality as yours, I just need more time. I use a canon rebel.

Hi Amber!

Glad to hear you’re loving the blog.  As for tips, don’t force yourself to post if you really don’t fell like it.  You shouldn’t feel obliged to always be posting.  It’s not about the followers, the reblogs, or the likes.  I remember when Tumblr used to have ‘Tumblarity’ and I was so focused on getting a higher number…  I don’t really care about that stuff and I just post whatever I want, both on this blog and my other one that’s more image-based.

I am currently shooting with a Panasonic Lumix GF2.  I usually use an Olympus E-500 DSLR but that was way too heavy and chunky to bring on my semester abroad.  To be honest, the camera doesn’t matter a huge amount.  What’s more important is the lens and how you take pictures, at least in my opinion.

Hope that’s helped.  Cheers xx