Photo Diary: Middle East


Last October, I took a bit of time off to travel after completing an internship and where did I go? The Middle East! My parents and I get on really well and enjoy travelling together (for the most part), so I gladly joined them on a cruise as a nice break between jobs.

On the way from Barcelona to Dubai, we stopped in Crete, Aqaba and Petra, and cruised the Suez Canal. We were scheduled to stop in Israel but the ship's caption decided that for the safety of the passengers, it would be best to avoid the mounting tension and violence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Safe to say, I was bummed but what can you do?

This was the last trip I took in 2015 and it was a pretty rad one if I do say so myself. To experience such a different place and culture is everything I long for when it comes to travel, and I was able to get that and more.