Headspace: Volume 2

Recharging: Learning to Say "No" More Often


Alternatively, this post could be titled Finding Time to Recharge and Do You, because this is exactly what I've been struggling with since the end of 2016. I have a tendency to say "yes" to dinners, events and catch-ups because I feel bad turning people down. Then I find myself with only an evening or two without plans, often tired out of my mind but still trying to push through the week. This has happened more than I can count and I'm just not too sure my body can handle this anymore.

Although I love eating out, concerts, events, and deep conversations with friends, it's rather tiring for an INFJ when out constantly. I love alone time and crave it after bouts of constant business and hang outs. And you know what? I really don't mind spending time all by myself and it's also better for my bank account. Plus, I'm also able to focus on creative projects and endeavours I've been putting off — and any freelance work that I've been meaning to complete.

So, what's a girl to do? Slowly wean herself off of this constantly busy schedule and start saying "no" for now. It's much harder than I ever anticipated as I've been trying to do this since I started writing this blog post three months ago. Every time I've told myself that I'll have a less busy week, it never happens. But that ends now. 

My goal for the month of April is to politely decline any more evening outings that arise and to focus on completely my freelance projects. I've got a big deadline later in April and have an ongoing project I've been meaning to wrap up quickly. I also really want to get some decent sleep during the work week. Is that too much to ask for?